
Women’s health

From Eastern Medicine perspective, women’s health is a reflection of one’s overall health. When women’s health issues arise, these are the signal of imbalances in the body. Disharmony can manifest in the physical body as pain, discomfort, irregularity of the cycle or abnormal tissue growth. Disharmony can manifest in the emotional body as depression, anxiety, excessive grief, anger, etc. In women’s health, the traditional eastern medical approach means working with different stages of the menstrual cycle, which may require regular treatments for a period of time, depending on your specific complaints and your constitution. When the disharmony patterns are internal, herbal medicine is very effective in addressing internal imbalances. The combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture can often be very supportive.

With the acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements and life style recommendations, we can help to discover underlying cause of the symptoms and support your body in returning back to balance. 

Common Conditions We Support:

Breast Lumps
Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)
Hormonal Imbalances
Irregular Menstruation
Menopausal Symptoms
Ovarian Cysts
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Miscarriage related symptoms
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Yeast/Bacterial Infections
Menstruation related migraines 

What to expect?

During your first treatment, we will go over medical history, signs and symptoms of chief complaint, your expectations and intentions. With this information and clinical findings, I will formulate a treatment plan that’s customized to your conditions and constitution, and if needed make dietary, nutritional, and exercise recommendations.  In my clinical practice, I often incorporate traditional acupuncture approaches to address constitutional well-being and customized herbal medicine to effectively address the issues. 

Eastern medicine works with different stages of the menstrual cycle. Often it requires regular treatments over a few cycles, depending on the specific complaints and your constitution. The changes can be tracked through changes of symptoms, like reduced intensity and frequency of the symptoms, as well as changes in related lab work that your OB/GYN can provide.